Speech Language Pathology Assistant
Special Education Paraprofessional
Educational Assistant

Mitchell Technical College participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.
If your busy life is keeping you from getting the degree you always wanted, Mitchell Tech has the answer! Enroll in our ONLINE Speech-Language Pathology Assistant program!
One in six Americans has a speech, hearing, or language disorder. These disorders affect infants, children, adults, and the elderly. A communication disorder may affect a person’s ability to pronounce sounds intelligibly, understand what is being said, process and remember spoken information, use appropriate vocabulary and grammar, speak fluently without stuttering, or use his or her voice appropriately. Accidents, illnesses, birth defects, and substance abuse can all contribute to communication disorders. These disorders isolate people from their friends, family, and the community and limit job and educational opportunities. Speech-Language Pathology Assistants help these individuals to recover their ability to speak, understand and interact with others.
This online program is offered for either a two-year or three-year plan, depending upon the student’s needs.
This program is eligible for federal financial aid.
What do Speech-Language Pathology Assistants (SLPAs) do?
SLPAs work under the direct supervision of licensed or certified speech-language pathologists to provide clerical support, administer speech, language, and hearing screenings, assist in communication assessments, provide articulation and language therapy services, and assist with documentation of speech-language pathology services.
Requirements for Speech-Language Pathology Assistants (SLPAs) vary from state-to-state. Mitchell Tech will attempt to determine whether our coursework will meet your state’s requirements, but this is not possible in all cases. Please contact program director Jennifer Schultz to discuss your state’s requirements. Mitchell Tech strongly encourages prospective students to verify that Mitchell Tech’s coursework will meet their state’s requirements. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association has information regarding state requirements on their website.
Why are Speech-Language Pathology Assistants needed?
Nationwide there is a reported shortage of fully credentialed speech-language pathologists. SLPAs can work under the supervision of SLPs to meet the needs of people with communication disorders, thereby increasing the overall effectiveness of the speech-language pathologist.
Are you seeking a state credential as an SLPA?
If you hold a CSD Bachelor’s degree and you need a professional option, check out Mitchell Tech’s online service. Mitchell Tech’s award-winning program is affordable and is designed specifically for those who need clinical fieldwork hours required to practice as an SLPA. Just two classes and a supervised fieldwork** experience in your local area may allow you to obtain your state’s SLPA credential.***
The Mitchell Tech SLPA program meets the requirements allowing a graduate to apply for SLPA Licensure from the South Dakota Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and SLPA Certification from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
**Must complete a minimum 25 hours of observation of speech-language pathology services prior to enrolling in Clinical Fieldwork.
***Requirements for Speech-Language Pathology Assistants (SLPAs) vary from state-to-state. Mitchell Tech will attempt to determine whether our coursework will meet your state’s requirements, but this is not possiblein all cases. Please contact program director Jennifer Schultz to discuss your state’s requirements. Mitchell Tech strongly encourages prospective students to verify that Mitchell Tech’s coursework will meet their state’s requirements. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association website has information regarding state requirements on their website.
Mitchell Technical College has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.
Want To Learn More?
Download the brochure here. Email Mitchell Tech department head/instructor Jennifer Schultz or call 605.995.7245.
Award: AAS Degree
First Semester
This course provides an overview of the field of speech-language pathology, including professional standards, legal and ethical issues and scope of responsibilities of the speech-language pathologist and the speech-language pathology assistant in health care and educational settings.
3 creditsThis course covers the fundamentals of anatomy, physiology and neurology related to speech production and hearing. Systems studied include respiration, phonation, articulation, resonation, hearing and neurological. In addition, information regarding feeding and feeding strategies will be covered.
3 creditsThis course covers the study of normal speech and language development. Topics include communication development and differentiation of normal from disordered communication. Hearing development, literacy development and language diversity will also be addressed.
3 creditsThis course provides a study of the articulatory foundations of the description and classification of speech sounds. It introduces the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), physiological properties of the speech mechanism, methods of transcription and dialectal variations. The emphasis will be on the auditory discrimination necessary for recording normal and disordered articulatory production.
3 creditsOnline Seminar will focus on specific challenges unique to online students as well as ways to address them including tips for improving time management, presentations and test-taking skills. Student will be expected to complete surveys throughout the semester and participate in discussion groups. Instructor input will help identify what courses to take, how to register for classes and help design a graduation plan. This course will be a bi-weekly virtual meeting.
1 creditThis course is designed to develop students’ problem-solving skills and quantitative reasoning through topics including: problem-solving processes, logic, percentages, measurement, ratios and proportions, statistics, linear equations, geometry and trigonometry, and personal finance.
3 creditsSecond Semester
This course covers beginning clinical observation of practices and procedures in speech-language pathology and combines on-site observations with class discussion. Eight hours of observation in educational settings is required.
1 creditThis course covers the promotion of professional growth opportunities for speech language pathology assistants. Students will explore tools and concepts necessary during the job seeking process and examine professional development as a new employee.
1 creditThis course provides an overview of communication disorders, including classification, assessment and remediation of speech, language, literacy, swallowing and hearing disorders in children and adults. It addresses the role of the speech-language pathologist and audiologist in educational and medical settings and examines multicultural and multilingual diversity, developmental disabilities and collaboration with educators.
3 creditsThis course covers developmental stages of children from conception through adolescence including major theories of development and their application to parenting, teaching and other interactions with children.
3 creditsThis course will review principles of behavior management that apply to individuals with communication disorders. Theories of behavioral learning, causes of challenging behaviors, techniques for measuring behavior, and strategies for preventing and decreasing problem behaviors, and increasing cooperative/functional behaviors will be addressed. Students will practice behavior observation, measurement, and management techniques needed to promote prosocial skills of individuals with communication disorders and implement speech and language treatment services more effectively.
3 creditsThis class is designed to develop students’ skills in critical reading and in a range of writing tasks. It allows students to go beyond matters of comprehension and summary to evaluate and extend everything they read. It will assist students in discovering something meaningful to say and to use writing as a way to actively participate in discussions about certain subjects; it will also enable students to approach a topic in a creative manner, gather and evaluate information, organize ideas, write coherent sentences, and learn to revise and edit drafts.
This course includes review techniques for correct mechanics, grammar, and sentence construction. It introduces students to professional and technical writing, and it assists students in developing strategies for collaborative writing.
Prerequisite: ENGL 098 or qualifying placement score.
3 creditsThird Semester
Fourth Semester
This course is an introduction to audiology, audiograms, hearing screening and hearing assessments. Also provided is an introduction to aural rehabilitation, hearing aids and hearing assistive technologies (HAT).
2 creditsThis course covers continued clinical observation of practices and procedures required in speech-language pathology in preparation for clinical fieldwork and combines on-site observations with class discussion. Seventeen hours of observation in educational settings is required.
2 creditsThis course provides an introduction to adult neurogenic communication disorders and speech and language therapy techniques used to treat these disorders. It examines the communication disorders of aphasia, dysarthria, apraxia, right hemisphere disorders, dementia, and traumatic brain injury.
2 creditsThis course focuses on speech sound disorders and therapy techniques to implement articulation and phonological therapy. Session planning, reporting progress and organization of therapy interaction are introduced. Cueing, reinforcement, feedback and choosing materials are covered. This course also reviews therapy approaches for neuromotor speech disorders, fluency and voice disorders.
3 creditsThis course explores language disorders and various intervention approaches. Students are introduced to therapy techniques appropriate for treating language delays and acquired disorders with toddler, preschool and school-aged populations. The course also addresses intervention for culturally and linguistically diverse children, as well as intervention for students with learning and developmental disabilities.
3 creditsFifth Semester
This course provides an introduction to common forms of augmentative and alternative communication, including manual communication and low- and high-tech AAC systems.
2 creditsThis course covers screening tools and processes used for speech, language, and hearing screening, and assessment tools and processes for speech and language assessment. It includes the administration of both screening and assessment, and completion of protocols with clients of varied ages.
2 creditsThis course covers organizational and functional skills required in the speech-language pathology workplace. Topics include interdisciplinary and supervisory relationships, client and public interaction, therapy plans, lesson plans, safety issues, technical writing, data collection, record keeping, computer applications, multicultural issues and behavior management.
4 creditsThis course is an eight-week, full-time field placement in an educational setting under the supervision of a state licensed speech-language pathologist. The field placement allows the student to practice the knowledge and skills related to speech and language interventions. Students will have an opportunity to request fieldwork site placements based on their areas of interest, strengths and goals for employment.
6 creditsRequirements
Before enrolling in Mitchell Tech’s online Speech-Language Pathology Assistant program, it is your responsibility to determine whether this program will meet your state’s requirements (if any) for SLPA certification or licensure. More information can be found below.
All students applying to the ONLINE Speech-Language Pathology Assistant program must submit to a criminal background check at the student’s expense. Mitchell Technical College has partnered with CastleBranch to complete your background check. You will need to create a username and password. Details are available from the Admissions office. Please click here to begin the process.
Students are required to have good reading, writing, hearing and communication (verbal, written and articulation) skills in order to competently perform the job of a speech-language pathology assistant and to gain successful employment. Students must possess the motor skills necessary to manage clients and manipulate therapy materials in home and school environments. Applicants must have minimum scores on the English and Reading portions of the ACT or ACCUPLACER.
Additional requirements may have to be met before entrance to fieldwork sites. Contact the instructor for details.
Requirements for Speech-Language Pathology Assistants (SLPAs) vary across states. The MTC SLPA program meets the education and experience requirements for SLPA licensure from the South Dakota Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology.
Speech-language pathology assistants are not licensed or certified in the following states: Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin. We are currently accepting students from these states into the program.
Mitchell Technical College has determined that our program’s curriculum meets the educational requirements for licensure or certification in the following states: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, District of Columbia, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota (SLPP only), Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming. We are currently accepting students from these states into the program.
Mitchell Technical College has determined that our program’s curriculum in combination with additional coursework or degrees meets the educational requirements for licensure or certification in the following states: Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky. We are currently accepting students from these states when we have verified that MTC’s program, together with the student’s previously earned academic coursework, meets the requirements for licensure/certification in the student’s state. We are not accepting students from these states who do not have the required previously earned academic coursework unless they sign a letter attesting to their intention to work in a state where MTC’s SLPA curriculum does meet that state’s educational requirements for licensure or certification. Please contact program coordinator Jennifer Schultz to discuss your state’s requirements.
Mitchell Technical college has determined that our program’s curriculum does not meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification in the following states: Alabama, Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, North Dakota (SLPA only), Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, America Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands. We are not accepting students from these states unless they sign a letter attesting to their intention to work in a state where MTC’s SLPA curriculum does meet that state’s educational requirements for licensure or certification
Mitchell Technical College strongly encourages prospective students to verify that MTC’s coursework will meet their state’s requirements. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association website has information regarding state requirements on their website at http://www.asha.org/advocacy/state/info/.
Hands-on skill practice, observation, and fieldwork requirements for the program cannot be completed online. Students will work with their academic advisor to identify resources for these requirements.
- Lab Activities: Each semester, students will meet with an SLP to practice hands-on speech-language pathology assistant technical skills. Three lab meetings are required per semester. SD students meet in regional lab groups. Out-of-state students meet in an online lab group.
- Observations: Students observe a total of 25 hours of speech-language therapy services in SLPA 101 Clinical Observation I and SLPA 202 Clinical Observation II courses. These observations are completed with an SLP in their geographic area.
- Fieldwork: An 8-week, full-time fieldwork placement is required for successful completion of the program requirements. A total of 240 hours of clock time and 100 hours of supervised clinical experience is required. Fieldwork placement is completed in the last half of the student’s final spring semester. The fieldwork placement is completed with an SLP in their geographic area.
It is the goal of this program to prepare competent entry-level speech-language pathology assistants. To achieve that goal, students must earn a grade of C (2.0) or higher in all technical courses as a prerequisite to SLPA 240 Clinical Fieldwork. Students must earn a grade of C (2.0) or higher in their clinical fieldwork in order to graduate.
Learn more by downloading the SLPA Online Student Guide.
Computer, iPad, and internet access required. Your computer and iPad will have to meet our specifications to assure your operating system and software are current and compatible.
Here are the minimum specifications for computers or iPads for this program:
Computer/Laptop Minimum Specifications:
Processor – Intel Core i Series (i3, i5, i7) or AMD Ryzen
Operating System – Windows 10
Webcam Recommended
Memory – 4 GB or more
Internal Storage – 64 GB or more
Microsoft Office is available at no charge as long as enrolled at MTI
iPad Specifications:
4th Gen or newer
Internal Storage – 16 GB or more (32 recommeneded)
No iPad Minis
No Tablets
Upon completion of this two-year program, graduates will be prepared to assist a certified speech-language pathologist (SLP) in the following ways:
- Perform speech, language, and hearing screenings
- Administer speech and language assessment and progress monitoring tools per examiner manual qualifications and SLP direction
- Demonstrate speech, language, and related therapy procedures to implement treatment plans developed by the SLP
- Create records, charts, or graphs to communicate client/patient/student performance to SLP
- Perform clerical duties such as preparing materials, organizing records, and scheduling clients/patients/students
- Evaluate clinical situations for compliance with ethical codes and federal, state, and local regulations
- Create advocacy materials and presentations to promote public awareness and improve public policies related to communication disorders
The Mitchell Tech SLPA program meets the requirements allowing a graduate to apply for SLPA licensure from the South Dakota Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Speech-Language Pathology Assistant certification from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).
Annual Program Review
Check out the 2024-25 Annual Program Review for information on how faculty ensure the quality and effectiveness of the program.
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant Instructor
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant Program Director / Instructor
Other Required Costs
Books / Tools (estimated) | $1,100 |
The Gift of Words SLPA Scholarship
Asmus Family
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Must be enrolled in fulltime in the Speech Language Pathology Assistant program
Nontraditional Student preferred
Must maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher
Must complete the MTC Online Scholarship Application
Osterhaus Endowed Scholarships
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Controls/SCADA
Business Management
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Electrical Utilities & Substation Technology
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Medical Office Professional
Power Line Construction & Maintenance
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Small Business Management
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Utilities Technology
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology
Mitchell Tech Retiree Endowed Scholarship
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Controls/SCADA
Business Management
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Electrical Utilities & Substation Technology
Geospatial Technologies
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN)
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Medical Office Professional
Natural Gas Technology
Office Technology Specialist
Power Line Construction & Maintenance
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Small Business Management
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Utilities Technology
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology
Laverne & Nell Tollefson Memorial Scholarship
Charlene Bainbridge
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Administrative Office Specialist
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Engineering Technology
Automation Controls/SCADA
Business Management
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Diesel Power – Light Truck Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Electrical Utilities & Substation Technology
Geospatial Technologies
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN)
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Medical Office Professional
Natural Gas Technology
On Campus
Power Line Construction & Maintenance
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Progressive Welding Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Registered Nursing (LPN to RN)
Small Business Management
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Utilities Technology
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology
John And Diane Weber “Career Change” Endowed Scholarship
John and Diane Weber Family and Friends
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Controls/SCADA
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Electrical Utilities & Substation Technology
Geospatial Technologies
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Power Line Construction & Maintenance
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Utilities Technology
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology
Daniel Roy Todd Memorial Scholarship
Daniel Todd Family
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Controls/SCADA
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Small Business Management
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology