Service Technician
Project Manager
Fitter Fuser
The Mitchell Technical College Natural Gas Technology program will teach you the skills needed to install, maintain, operate and repair gas distribution systems and equipment for residential, commercial and industrial customers. As infrastructure ages and the need for gas services increases, companies are looking to hire now!
Why Mitchell Technical College's Natural Gas Technology program:
- Industry driven program and curriculum
- Instructor worked in the industry
- Technology driven program; cutting edge equipment
- Students recruited right out of the classroom by industry
- Hands-on training
- Graduates may find employment with public utilities or municipalities to install and maintain gas service, or in the construction industry which contracts with utilities for installation and maintenance.
Occupational Outlook Information
- High demand, high skill, high wage occupation
- Nearly half of the utilities workforce will be nearing retirement age within the next 10 years, resulting in excellent opportunities for qualified entrants
- Persons with advanced technical education will have the best employment opportunities
Award: Diploma
First Semester
Preparation to work in and perform routine safety precautions with natural gas. Students will gain knowledge and skills required to assist an injured or suddenly ill person before professional emergency care can be provided.
1 creditAn introduction to the fundamentals of transportation, storage and the regulations pertaining to propane, butane and natural gas.
3 creditsAn introduction to various aspects of the gas industry including development, economics, equipment, systems, instrumentation, operations, and various associated scientific principles and processes. The course gives students a basic introduction to the Natural Gas Technology program. Addressed will be a variety of topics with emphasis on predrilling and drilling including; pre-drilling planning, drilling, circulation systems, construction basics, simple completions, overview of production processes and equipment.
2 creditsApplies curriculum studied in concurrent courses. Equipment operation including backhoe and loader operation, trencher and plow operations, directional boring and line locating.
3 creditsOSHA Excavation Standard and safety and health aspects of excavation and trenching. Course topics include practical soil mechanics and their relationship to the stability of shored and unshored slopes and walls of excavations, introduction of various types of shoring (wood timbers and hydraulic), soil classification, and use of protective systems.
2 creditsThis course trains participants to provide first aid, CPR, and the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). Students must complete the hands-on skill session. This class is offered for credit as a Pass/No Pass course.
0.5 creditsAn overview of OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standards focusing on hazard recognition and injury and illness prevention. The 10-hour construction program is intended to provide entry-level construction workers with awareness of hazards in and around the construction work site. Emphasis is placed on recognition and prevention and helps create a culture of safety. Upon successful completion the student will receive OSHA 10 certification.
1 creditProvides a foundation for gaining the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for college success. Students will learn to make a successful transition to higher education by setting up a pattern of success that will last the rest of their lives. Students will define goals and develop thinking skills, learning strategies and personal qualities essential to both academic and career success. Please note: Students who have served active military duty (excluding basic training and AIT) may be exempt from the Student Success course. Student must provide a copy of DD214 or other official military documentation to the registrar for verification.
1 creditInstruction in commercial transportation. Opportunities are provided for obtaining a Class A commercial drivers license. Arrangements are made for taking the test(s) required by the state. A Class A CDL is a requirement for graduation from several programs. A valid South Dakota driver’s license is required in order to complete the CDL training course. For students enrolling in a two-year program, this course must be completed by the end of their first year. This class is offered for credit as a Pass/No Pass course. Please note: Students are required to show proof of a valid Class A CDL by the end of the 10th day of the semester in which the student is enrolled in order to drop this class.
1 creditSecond Semester
Customer service is a critical element in the success and future of all businesses that compete in today’s economy. It is more challenging than ever to attract and retain customers because more companies are competing for the same customer. This course is a study of issues in the workplace relating to effective customer service and emphasizes three different aspects of customer service: the profession, skills for success, and building and maintaining relationships. Through role play scenarios, collaborative learning activities, and application of concepts to real-world situations, students are introduced to the issues of ethics, problem solving, strategy implementation, empowerment, communications, motivation and leadership necessary for the delivery of exceptional customer service and customer retention.
3 creditsEnables the student to apply common technical concepts used in the gas measurement industry. Computer based and instructor led training are blended with hands-on exercises to build a set of basic skills necessary to implement industry applied mathematics and physical laws necessary for advanced gas measurement training.
3 creditsThe gas industry has an enormous impact on all aspects of daily life. Individuals, corporations, and national governments make financial and policy decisions based on the cost, use, and availability of natural resources. This course reviews gas operations and markets including an overview of basic drilling operations, production, basic economics, processing and final transport. Students will be introduced to the cost of wells, seasonal impacts on prices, and the role of natural gas reserves.
4 creditsThe mechanisms of corrosion and the benefits of corrosion prevention and control planning. Students will identify good practices for setting up an optimal corrosion management scheme. An overview of top corrosion threats and their mitigation methods is taught and includes weld corrosion, external corrosion and stress corrosion cracking.
3 creditsThis course introduces students to the fundamental principles of GPS and their application in precision agriculture and Geographic Information System (GIS) applications. It will cover various aspects of GPS technology, including corrections, constellations, and their primary uses in the industry, alongside essential GPS terminology and its relevance to professional practice. After building a solid foundation in GPS technology, the focus will transition to the utilization of GIS operations within the agricultural sector, equipping students with the skills and knowledge to leverage these technologies in enhancing farming efficiency and productivity.
2 creditsRequirements
Drug/Alcohol Testing Requirements
Students are expected to conform to Rules for Programs with Required Drug and Alcohol Testing while enrolled in this program. See the MTC Catalog and Student Handbook for details.
Admissions Requirements
Mitchell Tech recommends that applicants in the Propane & Natural Gas Technologies program obtain a physical examination for their safety and protection.
Any student who enrolls in Commercial Driver training must obtain a South Dakota driver’s license in order to complete the CDL training course. A Class A CDL is a graduation requirement for this program. See the Course Description for TRAN 100 for a full explanation. Please note: Students planning to obtain an AAS degree in Utilities Technology MUST complete the CDL requirement during their first year of enrollment.
Computer Requirements
This program allows you to bring your own laptop as long as it meets these minimum specifications:
Processor – Intel Core i Series (i3, i5, i7) or AMD Ryzen
Operating System – Windows 10
Webcam Recommended
Memory – 4 GB or more
Internal Storage – 64 GB or more
Microsoft Office is available at no charge as long as enrolled at Mitchell Tech
At the completion of the program, graduates will be able to:
- Apply basic principles and safe practices of natural gas.
- Size vapor distribution systems.
- Install vapor distribution systems.
- Maintain vapor distribution systems.
- Operate excavation equipment.
- Apply customer service skills.
Annual Program Review
Check out the 2024-25 Annual Program Review for information on how faculty ensure the quality and effectiveness of the program.
Other Required Costs
CDL | $1,050 |
Books / Tools (estimated) | $1,294 |
SD Municipal Electric Association Energy Production & Transmission Scholarship
SD Municipal Electric Association
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Xcel Energy
Xcel Energy
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Electrical Utilities & Substation Technology
Natural Gas Technology
Power Line Construction & Maintenance
Wind Turbine Technology
Osterhaus Endowed Scholarships
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Controls/SCADA
Business Management
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Electrical Utilities & Substation Technology
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Medical Office Professional
Power Line Construction & Maintenance
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Small Business Management
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Utilities Technology
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology
Northwestern Energy Scholarships
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Natural Gas Technology
Power Line Construction & Maintenance
Wind Turbine Technology
Mitchell Tech Retiree Endowed Scholarship
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Controls/SCADA
Business Management
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Electrical Utilities & Substation Technology
Geospatial Technologies
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN)
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Medical Office Professional
Natural Gas Technology
Office Technology Specialist
Power Line Construction & Maintenance
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Small Business Management
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Utilities Technology
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology
Laverne & Nell Tollefson Memorial Scholarship
Charlene Bainbridge
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Administrative Office Specialist
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Engineering Technology
Automation Controls/SCADA
Business Management
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Diesel Power – Light Truck Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Electrical Utilities & Substation Technology
Geospatial Technologies
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN)
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Medical Office Professional
Natural Gas Technology
On Campus
Power Line Construction & Maintenance
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Progressive Welding Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Registered Nursing (LPN to RN)
Small Business Management
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Utilities Technology
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology