
Informational Resources

Mitchell Technical College makes every effort to comply with federal and state regulations regarding transparency and availability of information critical to many constituencies.

This section contains valuable information for consumers, student rights and responsibilities, civil rights, helpful solutions to problems you may encounter, and more.

Rights & Responsibilities

As members of the Mitchell Tech community, students have both rights and responsibilities.

The most essential student right is the right to competent instruction under conditions conducive to learning. The most important responsibilities are to respect the rights of other members of the community and to conform to standards essential to the purposes and processes of the Institute. The Institute should endeavor to provide for students those privileges, opportunities, and protections which best promote the learning process in all its aspects. The following statement outlines those academic rights of students essential in helping Mitchell Tech fulfill this responsibility. These principles found are designed to facilitate communication, foster academic integrity, and defend freedoms of inquiry, discussion, and expression among members of the Mitchell Tech community. Such principles should safeguard and enhance conditions conducive to learning, and will serve as a guide for students, faculty, and administrators involved in programs of instruction and classroom activities.

Mitchell Technical College is committed to serving a wide spectrum of people. Access to the programs and services of the Institute should be governed by the following principles: Within the limitations of its facilities, resources, and personnel, the Institute should be open to all persons who are qualified according to admissions standards. Students should not be refused access to any course of study on the grounds of their beliefs or the possible uses to which they may put the knowledge to be gained in a course. Students are responsible for representing themselves truthfully and accurately at all times. Providing false or misleading information to gain admission to or advancement in a program or course of study violates this responsibility and may result in forfeiture of a student’s right to access to an academic program.

Student Rights

Students have the following rights:

  • Students have the right to exercise their full rights as citizens without interference or fear of college disciplinary action.
  • Students have the right to be free from discrimination in college programs and activities.
  • Policies designed to eliminate discriminatory practices have been instituted.
  • Mitchell Tech does not discriminate in its employment of policies and practices, or in its educational programs on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, age, gender (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, disability, national origin, or ancestry, military/veteran status, genetic information or any other category protected by law.
  • Students have the right to be free from sexual harassment on Mitchell Tech property or off college property during an College-related activity.
  • Students have the right to be free from racial harassment on Mitchell Tech property or off college property during an College-related activity.

Students have the right to have classes conducted under the following provisions:

  • Faculty will maintain clear connections between advance descriptions of courses and actual content.
  • Faculty will clearly state course goals, testing, and grading which should be intellectually justifiable.
  • Faculty will plan and regulate class time with an awareness of its value for every student and will meet with classes regularly.
  • Faculty will be available to students and will announce and maintain liberal office hours convenient to students.
  • Faculty will model respect for each student as an individual, regardless race, color, creed, religion, age, gender (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, disability, national origin, or ancestry, military/veteran status, genetic information or any other category protected by law.
  • Faculty will strive to generate respect and understanding for academic freedom by students and at the same time protect students from irrelevant and trivial interruptions or diversions.
  • Faculty will insure students the right to raise relevant issues, doubts, or alternative opinions during classroom discussion without concern for academic sanctions.
  • Faculty will be sensitive to students’ personal or political beliefs expressed in a private manner in connection with course-work.
  • Faculty will not disclose student grades or class standing in a classroom situation without the student’s permission.
  • Faculty will serve as academic advisors and will assist students with registration, class schedules, graduation requirements, and will work to assure academic progress with the assistance of staff in the Center for Student Success.

Students have the right to a clear statement of their basic rights. They have the right to assist in formulating college policy by representation on various committees. Students also have the right to be represented by a student government. Other student rights outside the classroom include:

  • Students may form, join, and participate in groups which promote the common intellectual, social, economic, political, recreational or cultural life of campus. MTC believes group activities to be a positive educational vehicle and recognizes the right of student groups to discuss, express opinions, to assemble, write, and publish within state and federal constitutional guarantees and laws.
  • A student group may be authorized to use MTC facilities if its officers and a majority of its members are currently enrolled at Mitchell Technical College.
  • Students who publish student publications have the right to be free from censorship. However, students who publish such documents must observe the recognized canons of responsible journalism, including the avoidance of libel, indecency, undocumented allegations, attacks on personal integrity, and the techniques of harassment and innuendo.
  • Students have the right to have access to education records maintained by Mitchell Tech concerning the students. Students may review their own records and challenge the accuracy of the records. Students have the right to have the educational records maintained on a confidential basis with only those employees with a legitimate need to know having access to student educational records.

Students have the following responsibilities:

Students have the following rights:

It is the student’s responsibility to comply with the provisions of the handbook and the operating policies of the College and the student’s department.

It is also a student’s responsibility to:

  • Review and consider all information about the college’s program before enrolling.
  • Complete all application forms accurately and submit them on time to the appropriate office.
  • Students have the responsibility for selecting a major field of study, for choosing an appropriate degree program within the discipline, for planning class schedules, and ultimately for meeting the requirements for his/her degree.
  • Mitchell Tech will provide advisers to assist students in academic planning, but students are responsible for obtaining copies of appropriate academic bulletins and being thoroughly familiar with all academic requirements that must be met for a degree. Students also have the responsibility to take advantage of the educational opportunities presented by the Institute, to participate in the learning process in a serious and conscientious manner, and to respect the rights of other members of the MTC community.
General Conduct

Students attending Mitchell Technical College are expected to abide by the rules and regulations as set forth in this handbook and as prescribed by individual departments. Additionally, students are expected to uphold local, state, and federal laws.

Students may have their enrollment status suspended at Mitchell Tech for academic deficiencies (unsatisfactory progress), nonpayment of fees, and when their presence in the college causes disruption in the teaching/learning process or delivery of classes. The suspension process includes the right to due process as outlined in the student grievance procedure.

Payment Of Bills

Any student having unpaid bills at Mitchell Tech will not be allowed to enroll in any new term during the period in which the bill remains unsettled from a previous term. Indebtedness includes unpaid amounts for tuition, fees, books, and any other charges incurred by the student and owed to the college. Diplomas will not be issued until the indebtedness is settled.

Financial Aid Regulations

Students should pay special attention to and accurately complete applications for student financial aid. Errors can result in long delays in receipt of financial aid. Intentional misreporting of information on application forms for federal financial aid is a violation of law and is considered a criminal offense subject to penalties under the U.S. Criminal Code. Please pay particular attention to the following:

  • Return all additional documentation, verification, corrections, and/or new information requested by either the financial aid office or the agency to which the application was submitted.
  • Read and understand all forms signed and keep copies of them.
  • Accept responsibility for all agreements signed.
  • If a student has a loan, the lender must be notified of changes in name, address, or school status.
  • Perform the work that is agreed upon in accepting a College Work Study award.
  • Know and comply with the deadlines for application or reapplication for aid.
  • Know and comply with the school’s refund procedures.
Student Dress And Appearance

Mitchell Technical College recognizes the right of individuals to select their own attire. However, the school also carries a responsibility to the industries for which students are being educated. Therefore, dress and appearance in classroom and laboratories will conform to industry standards. This may require the wearing of uniforms in some instances. Uniforms will be at the student’s expense. Unsafe or unsanitary dress will not be allowed.

Food And Beverage Consumption

Class breaks will be held in the cafeteria or commons area at specified times during the day. Food and beverages should be consumed in the cafeteria or commons area. Due to the nature of the technology located in Mitchell Tech classrooms and labs, students are strongly discouraged from consuming food or beverages outside of the cafeteria. Cooperation in keeping the cafeteria or commons area clean at all times is requested.

Cell Phones/Telephones

Cell phone use is inappropriate in classrooms and laboratories. Most departments have policies regarding cell phones. Personal calls should be made outside of classroom/lab areas. If possible, student calls are to be placed with cell phones or at public telephones. Instructional and administrative office telephones are not for student use. Emergency phone calls will only be relayed to the student if the caller has identified him/herself and the nature of the call. Messages will be taken for students and posted on the electronic message board in the cafeteria and/or passed on to the respective student’s department. It is the student’s responsibility to check the message board regularly.


Alcohol, Drug & Tobacco Policies

Alcohol & Drugs

Alcohol is prohibited in all campus facilities and at all Mitchell Tech-sponsored events, except as noted in Mitchell Tech Policy 1143. It is the policy of Mitchell Technical College that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, use, or being under the influence of a controlled substance on the property of Mitchell Tech or while a student of Mitchell Tech is engaged in an activity assigned as part of his/her involvement with Mitchell Tech is prohibited unless said controlled substance is used as prescribed by a doctor. Financial aid may be affected if violations occur. Mitchell Tech Policy 1035 addresses prevention and intervention procedures that Mitchell Tech will follow as it fulfills its obligation to promote healthy living and help those abusing alcohol and/or drugs.


Mitchell Tech is a smoke-free, tobacco-free campus. Smoking is prohibited within 15 feet of entrances. Smoking and tobacco use areas are designated and are in proximity to each building on campus. Prohibited products include cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing products, e-cigarettes and any other tobacco or tobacco-related product.

Important Information

Books, Tools, Supplies

Students who enroll need to prepare for some initial expenses at the start of the term. Books, supplies, and tools will be required for all classes. Students may purchase required books through the online bookstore. If your program requires tools, you can order your tools online at mtc-campus-store.square.site. Students may purchase tools from sources other than the school provided they meet the standards of the department. Students are expected to have a complete set of tools available during all laboratory classes.

Laptop Computers

All Mitchell Tech programs require a laptop computer so that students can effectively integrate computing skills with their technical education. Instructors deliver resources and coursework through MyTech, Mitchell Tech’s online learning management system, and some programs require specialty software.  Many programs include a laptop with tuition due to specialized computer hardware requirements. Programs that do not include a laptop are Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) but must meet Mitchell Tech’s minimum laptop requirements. Laptop requirements are set by individual programs; please check your program of interest to determine computer requirements.

School Property

The facilities of Mitchell Technical College are modern and up-to-date. Students must take proper care of equipment and respect the property of others. Students will be required to pay for school property that they have lost or damaged. Theft of property will be referred to the appropriate authorities.

Personal Property

Mitchell Technical College does not assume responsibility for loss of or damage to personal property of students.

Lost and Found

Any items found in the school should be turned in to an administrative office area. Lost articles may be reclaimed after proper identification.

Illness, Accidents, Or Injuries

Accidents, injuries, or illnesses occurring during classroom or laboratory time or during a school-sponsored activity must be reported to an instructor or a college official. Each accident must be reported in writing to the Vice-President of Operations (located in the Business office) within twenty-four (24) hours of the incident. Liability regarding accidents is not assumed by the college. Students who are unsafe workers may be terminated from the program. Mitchell Tech will contact health care personnel when necessary. The expense will be borne by the student.


Health Insurance

It is strongly recommended that all students have health insurance. Health insurance must be purchased directly from an insurance carrier.


Change Of Address/Telephone

Address and telephone number changes must be filed with the Registrar. A Change of Address form is available on the MTC website.

Mail Service

Mitchell Technical College does not forward personal mail received at the college. Please do not use Mitchell Tech as a mailing address.


Identification Cards

Each student will be issued a photo identification card. Replacement cards are issued for $30.00.

Student Email Accounts

Each student will be issued a Mitchell Tech email account for official communication and personal use. Students will be charged $5.00 to change lost or forgotten passwords.

Laboratory And Classroom Use

Student use of classrooms and laboratories will only be allowed when a supervisor is present.


Bulletin Boards

All bulletin board items, posters, etc., must be approved by the The Center for Student Success prior to being posted.


Food Service

Meals are served in the Campus Center for a charge. Students are encouraged to use the Café Cash cashless payment system. Parents are able to load funds into a student’s account allowing him or her to make food purchases from the Chef’s Café. Deposits in the amount of $500, $250 and $125 may be made. The student makes the purchase with a student ID card. Only the holder of the ID card may use it for Café purchases. Any balance at the end of the fall semester will be transferred to the spring semester. Any balance remaining at the end of the spring semester will be forfeited. Refunds may be issued to students who withdraw from school in the first ten days of the semester in which the Café Cash was purchased. Please stop at the Mitchell Tech Business Office to put money on your Café Cash account.



Students are required to furnish their own transportation to and from school. When training requires students to be off campus, students must make their own transportation arrangements. Students wishing to car pool should contact The Center for Student Success.